Welcome to the 2022 AAEP Virtual Convention & Trade Show!
We’re thrilled you are joining us on this virtual journey to acquire the latest diagnostics and treatments that will help you deliver the highest standard of care to your patients.
But first: Are you logged into your account?
To view all educational content, you must first log in. As your login ID, use the email you have on record with AAEP, and your Digitell password. If you've forgotten your password, you can click on the "forgot password" link in the login window. You'll receive an email that explains how to reset your password.
Where Do I Find the Sessions?
The “On Demand” section in the main menu bar is where you will find the more than 100 presentations which will be loaded to the site beginning November 23 for viewing at your convenience.
From the "On Demand" page, you can find the session you'd like to view by scrolling or using the search and filter options at the top of the On Demand page. Once you've found the session you want, click on the "View Recording" button.
If the "View Recording" button is grayed out, the on-demand recording hasn't been uploaded yet. Please be patient as we work to get all the recordings uploaded to this platform!
To Earn Your CE Certificates
Per RACE requirements, you must pass a simple quiz after viewing a session to qualify for CE. After viewing the session, click on the "Evaluations and CE" tab from the home page, find the sessions for which you wish to earn your CE certificate, and select "Take Exam." Your CE certificate for the session will be available immediately upon passing the session's exam.
You can find all your CE certificates by clicking on "My Account" and then selecting "CE Certificates" from the menu.
You can print out a transcript of your 2022 Virtual Convention CE by clicking on "Print Transcript" from the top of the "Evaluations and CE" main page.
Virtual Table Topics
The on-demand recordings of the Virtual Table Topics can be found in their own menu listing on the home page. You may generate Certificates of Attendance by going to the "Evaluations and CE" section and filling out the evaluation.
Please note: Although the on-demand recordings of the Virtual Table Topics (VTTs) at the convention in San Antonio were not RACE-approved, they may still be eligible for CEUs in your state. Check with your state board as many accept continuing education provided by constituent organizations and recognized specialty groups of the AVMA, such as AAEP.
Helpful Reminders:
Note to Mobile Users:
We have found that some pop-up blockers (usually used to disable advertisements) prevent the use of some features of the convention site. Please disable any pop-up blockers you may have installed on your phone or tablet.
Again, thank you for registering for the AAEP Virtual Convention & Trade Show. If you have any questions, please contact the AAEP office at (859) 233-0147 or aaepoffice@aaep.org.