AAEP Virtual CE Summer Series
Cracking the Performance Horse Code:
Interdisciplinary Strategies To Maximize Clinical Outcome
Collaboration in tackling difficult performance-related cases
Dates: Tuesdays and Thursdays in August, 2020, or on-demand
Times: 5-7 p.m. ET for live interaction, or on-demand
Credits: 16 hours RACE-approved Continuing Education credit, program number: 16-42848
This virtual summer CE experience will highlight the collaborative crosstalk that occurs between specialists and practitioners to maximize clinical success in difficult performance-related scenarios. A diverse format of panel discussions, case examples and live consultations will facilitate specialist discussion and collaboration in a meaningful way for the general practitioner. Attendees are strongly encouraged to participate in the real-time discussions and Q&A sessions.
Two 2-hour live sessions each week, moderated by a team of three practicing veterinarians: one general practitioner, and two specialists. Live attendees are encouraged to participate through Q&A and chat windows. Supplemental resources such as discussion forums, scientific papers, images and video clips will be continually added and available in advance of each session to support learning.
Sessions will also be available on demand. Attendees can view all sessions live, all on demand, or a mix of both.
Week 1: Surgery Meets Sports Medicine: To Operate or Not?
Sponsored by PulseVet Shock Wave
Deciding to send a horse for an orthopedic surgery is not always a straight-forward decision. This series will discuss what orthopedic lesions should be surgically pursued, surgical accessibility and expected prognoses. This lecture will give the practitioner take-away knowledge about the surgical decision-making process and currently reported outcomes for a variety of orthopedic lesions.
Moderator: Beau Beck, DVM
Surgery: Kati Glass, DVM, DACVS-LA
Sports Medicine: Sarah Sampson, DVM, DACVS, DACVSMR
Week 2: Imaging Meets Sports Medicine: The Complexities of Navigating the Diagnosis
Sponsored by Hallmarq Veterinary Imaging
When the lameness diagnosis requires collaboration to get to the root of the issue, the interplay between clinical exam and imaging findings can be tricky. This session will focus on out-the-door strategies to help practitioners maximize imaging bandwidth, navigate cases with advanced imaging findings and tackle the curve-ball diagnosis through interactive case examples and panel discussion.
Moderator: Luke Bass, DVM, MS, DABVP
Imaging: Kurt Selberg DVM, MS, DACVR
Sports Medicine: Katie Seabaugh, DVM, MS, DACVS DACVSMR
Week 3: Internal Medicine Meets Sports Medicine: Working Together to Manage the Equine Athlete
Sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim
Managing equine athletes from an orthopedic perspective is not all that’s required to keep them performing at a high level. This session will discuss management of the horse with neurologic, muscle-related, airway or other considerations. Special focus will be given to strategies practitioners can incorporate to most effectively manage complicated cases.
Moderator: Jackie Christakos DVM
Internist: Amy Johnson, DVM, DACVIM-LA, DACVIM-Neurology
Sports Medicine: Elizabeth Davidson, DVM, DACVS, DACVSMR
Week 4: Rehabilitation Meets Surgery: From the OR Back to the Arena – Strategies to Minimize Time out of Competition
Sponsored by Equithrive
The field of rehabilitation is quickly becoming proactive instead of reactive to minimize recovery time and reduce re-injury rates following surgery. This session will discuss specific rehabilitative strategies currently used to optimize recovery from a variety of orthopedic procedures.
Moderator: Craig Lesser, DVM, CF
Surgery: Lauren Schnabel, DVM, PhD, DACVS, DACVSMR
Sports Medicine/Rehab: Caitlyn Redding, DVM
AAEP Members: $399 for the series
AAEP Student Members: $50
Non-members: $499
Questions? Email AAEP director of education Karen Pautz at kpautz@aaep.org